A few steps
Sassy | 05.07.2007 6 0
Just a few steps
I already can see the peak.
Behind me: a long road,
easy to walk.
And then, in such a short distance
the peak
I have to go there
I have to see,
how the street continues
on the other side of the mount.
maybe it's rocky, hard to go.
maybe I have to fight hard.
maybe I'll wish, I'd never seen this peak
or even the whole mountain.
Why did I choose this route?
I had the Choice
I would have had an alternative.
A lane that was flat, direct, without rocks.
A lane, without bad surprises
and without this peak.
But who can say
what the other side of the mounten is like?
who knows
maybe it's even easier than before
maybe there many others with me
accompanying me
maybe it's the best time I've ever had
or even the best time that I'll ever have in life
who knows.
But if I don't go on
If I don't continue this street
I'll never find it out.
And I'll regret it all the future time
that I hadn't have the heart to explore
the other side.
So just walk on.
Step by step.
say goodbye,
to everyone
to all the people you ever loved.
It's hard.
but you can do it if you just want it.
take this one-time chance.
let your dream come true.
This dream that you have had for years.
You won't regret it.
I promiss.
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